Monday, April 28, 2008

I'm glad this day is almost over...

Sorry it's so long...

We all have those days where we wish that we could crawl back in bed, go back to sleep and wake up to a new day. was one of those days today. I got in trouble at work. You'll NEVER believe why!! The owner had a closed door meeting with the general manager. I had a feeling it was about me and the supply order I had just placed. I had heard a rumor that she would be mad that I ordered some "extras". Well, sure enough she got the invoice over the weekend and blew a fuse when she saw that I ordered...drum roll please...kleenex, hand sanitizer and PENS!! That's right you read that right. I got in trouble for ordering 4 boxes of 12 pens each that cost $2.24 each (something like $0.20 a pen!!). She totally came up to me at my desk and swore at me!! I couldn't believe it. I told her I was sorry and that I ordered tissues because customers had been asking for them and I ordered pens that actually write well. I still can't believe it. I think the total for the "extras" was like $20. I got the whole song and dance about it being about the "bottom line" and that the money saved goes back into the employees pockets. Sure, I'm all for that. I really am!! But I really didn't think that I had gone overboard, do you? I guess I know better now! I'll be buying my own pens from now on.
And how did this evening end? By me trying to turn on the AC in the house and going outside to find out why it wasn't turning on and finding that Reggie (our dog that we were sooo lucky to sell) had chewed through the wires leading from the AC unit to the house. Nice.


The Dinner Belle said...

So sorry about your bad day. Nice boss lady - jeez! I guess the next time someone asks for a tissue you'll have to tell them their sleeve will do.

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