Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Wholesome Recreational Family Activities

Have you played together as a family lately?  Growing up my family played together all the time!  And I knew that I wanted to be a mom who played with her kids.  And play I do!  I taught a lesson on Sunday about having fun with your family.  I had an entire page filled with ideas.  I want to share them with you too!  Go and play with your family!

You can...
go letterboxing  This is seriously so much fun!  And there are boxes all over the US.
have breakfast in the park
go to dinner & a movie
have a family mailbox.  Write notes to each other.
start a family cookbook
play charades
play Twister
visit a museum
cook together
go for a joy ride
have a weenie roast
wash cars (this always turns into a water fight at our house)
go to the park
go fishing
make homemade ice cream
visit a working farm
go bowling
start a family scrapbook
make a family time capsule (I still have 2 more years to find ours!  Oops)
go for a bike ride
have a picnic in the family room
family slumber party
fly kites
play HORSE
write to a missionary
tell ghost stories
go to a concert
go bird watching
take pictures together
visit a water park
feed the ducks
attend a play
go to the zoo
go to Temple Square or visit a temple near you
attend a sporting event
service...bake cookies, bread, make cards, etc.
start a family hobby
shop at the farmer's market
visit the state/county fairs
go swimming
visit your state capitol
put a puzzle together
volunteer together
visit a photo booth (see picture above)
And for you Utah folks...
attend the free summer concerts at Brigham Young Historic Park
See the International Peace Gardens
visit the Utah Olympic Oval
see the Utah Museum of Natural History
attend a concert or play at the Sandy Amphitheater
go to Gardner Village
go see the Church History Museum

The possibilities are endless!  Check your local community calendar for free/inexpensive activities in your area.  Get out there and play!  It's the small and simple things that your kids will remember.  I remember the big vacations that my parents took us on but it's the little things that I look back on and smile!  Ok...the big vacations make me smile too.  But you get the idea, right?  

So moms out there, take off your shoes!  Get dirty right along with your kids.  You'll have more fun than I can tell you!  And your kids will thank you!


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