Monday, April 6, 2009

A Christ Centered Easter

This is what our family is doing this week. I LOVE Easter. It's my one of my favorite holidays. If you are interested in making your own Easter story eggs or any of the stories let me know and I'll post them. Happy Easter!! Let's not forget who this holiday is about!

Day 1 – Palm Sunday
Read Scripture: Zechariah 9:9
Discuss: Symbolism of using palm branches. Read story “Exploring Palms for the Lord.”
Make faux palm branches.
Go on a nature walk. Find objects that are significant to the Easter story.
Branch to signify the palm branches
A thorn to represent the crown of thorns
A piece of wood to signify the cross
A rock to represent the stone

Day 2 – Cleansing the Temple
Read Scripture: Isaiah 56:7
Discuss: Given Jesus’ action in the temple, discuss how he would feel in our home. How might he cleanse it? As a family choose one way to purify our home and make that the goal for the week. Print it out and post where it can easily be seen every day.
Name, list and discuss some of Jesus’ character traits. Choose one to work on as a family during the week.

Day 3 – Parables and Teachings
Read Scripture: Psalm 78:2
Talk about what a parable is.
Act out the parable of The Ten Virgins (pg. 28)
Make oil lamps out of paper.

Day 4 – Rest in Bethany
Easter story eggs

Day 5 – The Last Supper and Jesus’ Prayer in Gethsemane
Scriptures: Psalm 41:9, Psalm 69:20, Isaiah 53:4
Read Matthew 26:17-19 and discuss what we could do to prepare for Passover. Prepare our house for Passover.
Discuss the importance of the Sacrament.
Read D&C 19:16-19 and discuss Christ’s suffering.

Day 6 – Jesus’ Trial and Crucifixion
Scriptures: Isaiah 53:7, Isaiah 50:6, Psalm 22:16, Psalm 34:20
Do the Easter Story Cookies (pg. 30-31)

Day 7 – The Jewish Sabbath
Open Easter baskets/Do Easter egg hunt
Scripture: John 16:20
Talk about the Jewish Sabbath (pgs. 24-25)
Talk about the Plan of Happiness.

Day 8 – Jesus’ Resurrection and Appearances
Scripture: Isaiah 25:8
Discuss what Mary Magdalene must have felt.
Do eggs again
Read “What’s in Jeremy’s Egg?” (pgs. 22-23)


Heidi said...

That is so awesome.. I love this idea.. Thanks for sharing! Your the best! miss you TONS! woman!

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