Thursday, October 1, 2009

What a Day

Carter had his appointment with our pediatric GI specialist today. He's been having "issues" and we needed a solution. She is such an amazing doctor! She told us that it can take up to a year after surgery for things to get to "normal". And I guess that sometimes people with Hirschsprung's Disease can have bad bacteria in their bowels so she prescribed an antibiotic that should help with his pain and gassiness. And she told us that he needs to drink a "Danimals" yogurt drink everyday. So we ran to Costco to grab some.

When we were back at the car I asked Carter to come to the other side of the car so I could load him in his carseat. He said "this drives me crazy when you ask me to come to the other side. You drive me crazy!". Oh my gosh!! I laughed so hard! I didn't realized I said it THAT much! I asked Addison and Ian later today and they said I didn't say it very much at all. I felt a little better about it.

After Costco we picked up Addison and Ian and went to DI. I found a new project to work on...a desk. We need a new computer desk and this one is going to be awesome when I'm done with it. I was also looking for some cheap costumes that Carter can use for dress up but DI was a joke. There was nothing.

Then we headed to Savers. That's going to be my "thrift" store of choice from now on! It's completely different than DI. It's organized and clean! There weren't tons of little kids running wild and throwing toys all over the isles. We found some jeans for Ian and for me! The best part was all the Halloween stuff they have. Carter was hilarious! He found an army vest and a goalie mask. You know the ones from the scary movies? We bought him both! That boy cracks me up!


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