Friday, March 11, 2011

I Confess...

This is my first time participating in Friday Confessional.  Here goes nothing!

I confess...
I'm really, really tired of hearing my 12 year old talk NON -STOP about Justin Bieber.  

She's beyond obsessed.

She knows more about him than she does about her own mom.

I confess...

I am so looking forward to going shopping for new couches.

The ones we have now are literally falling apart.

I am frustrated that they are falling apart.  They are less than 5 years old.

We need to make sure that the couches we buy tonight will stand tough against two little boys.

I confess...
I am having a hard time forgiving a couple of people.  

I confess...
I am very nervous about going to the viewing tomorrow.  

I haven't seen some of these people in YEARS.

I've gained so much weight...ugg.  Will they even recognize me?

I confess...

I'm starting to freak out a little bit because of all the earthquakes that have been happening.

My heart is aching for the people of Japan.  I can't even imagine.

I just know that it's going to happen here sometime and that scares the living you know what out of me.

I confess...

I'm starting my food storage this weekend!

Costco here we come!

I confess...
I've already been making a list of items I want to put in my favorite things package.

I hope that they like the things.  

Why I am I stressing this already?

Ahhh...I feel much better now!  That was fun!



Mamarazzi said...

yay...great confessions. you blog is one of the few that is downloading for me at my folk's house, their internet is sooooo slow.

i was up all night watching the news and praying for the people in Japan the destruction is devastating and heartbreaking.

Mamarazzi said...

hey Tami...i just noticed that you were linked under the swap link instead of the confession link...mister linky does that (jumps to previous link list) if you click the tab key.

anyway i moved you!

don't forget to link up your swap post!

Jaclynn_kyuss said...

Just bought a new couch tonight :)

Shafferprincess said...

Our couch is falling apart too. It's a little older than yours, but only by a a couple of years. I'm very disappointed with how it held up. *sigh*

Glad you found something you like, though. :)

Here And Happy! said...

Tami I didn't know I knew anybody in real life who needed to confess but me (well, Mintifresh, but that's a given, right Min?) Small world. Enjoy the furniture store! Jealous.

Impulsive Addict said...

Justin Bieber is EVERYWHERE and I don't get it at all!

I love to furniture shop! Good luck and happy shopping!

I've made my favorite things list too! I can't WAIT!!

Stopping by via Mamarazzi. Have a great weekend~

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