I LOVE girls camp. After living in Utah for so long I realized that we were very spoiled in California. And I don't feel bad about it for a second. Camp Ritchie was the greatest place on earth for me as a teenager. Lake Seneca camp reminded me a lot of my girls camp growing up. They have cabins, a lake and a lodge. There is none of this tent mumbo jumbo. The girls were adorable. It was so fun to sit with them and talk to them. I even played the "cup" game. Oh sweet memories.
Making a make shift screen out of sheets

They fed us well

The boys had to be separated. I though it was hilarious. Rules, rules!

It POURED rain. I love nothing more than a good summer thunder storm.

Such cute girls

Isn't her hair amazing?

My cute table of girls

I just fell in love with Siana. She was so cute. The next day at the temple she saw a memeber of our choir and asked where I was. Then at the pagent she went row by row looking for me. Ahhh...so cute!

This 14 year old girls was so darling. She was so happy!
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