I have been having terrible pain in my foot lately. It has become so bad that I broke down and went to the doctor. I also was having him look at my right foot because I thought that I had broken it a year ago when I dropped a 100 pound Ikea box on it. He took a few x-rays of my feet and then sent me back to the exam room. I was sitting there waiting to tell tell me there was nothing wrong and so I wondered why he brought in the nitrous oxide. I suddenly became VERY nervous. He brought in the x-rays and delivered the bad news. I did in fact break my right foot a year ago. It hasn't healed correctly (of course) and I will most likely need surgery on it to fix it. And the left foot has 2 big bone spurs. Those have cause my ligaments to become inflamed and that's what is causing the excrutiating pain. GREAT!! He then handed me the mask and told me to take nice, deep breaths because he was going to give me shots in both feet. Holy moly did they hurt! I got one in my right foot and two in my left foot. I also got some pain meds and some anti-inflamatory meds.
The lesson?? When you think you might have broken anything go get it checked out!!
Hello Friends + Happy New Year!
7 years ago
That does NOT sound very good. I feel your pain. If I can help at all text me. Do not buy a velcro walking cast I have a medium that you can use. Also wheel chair if you need to do lots of walking. So sorry to hear this all before your exciting trip.smile.
Oh my dear, I am so sorry to hear that!!! I'm crying in sympathy for you!
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