Friday, August 13, 2010

Five on Friday

Here's the top 5 and the bottom 5 of the week


1. I ate GREAT this week. I stayed within my calories and continued to lose weight. It was so fun trying new recipes. I think my favorite is the "cruise oatmeal"
2. I did my first giveaway! I sent it off this morning. I hope she likes the book as much as I do.
3. My "baby" pooped in the toilet.
4. I actually completed a craft I started. I'm great at starting things but not finishing them.
5. I caught up on my laundry and it's all packed and ready for our trip to Yellowstone.
6. I know it's supposed to be the top FIVE and not six but I can't help throw this one in. We had a friend over for dinner this week who we haven't seen in months. It was so fun to catch up. And I had a good friend who was able to stay for lunch before she picked up her kids.


1. It seemed like this week was the week for major messes. I swear I would clean up one and another new mess would be waiting. My 4 year old wanted to make a smoothie and dumped chocolate powder all over the kitchen floor.
2. I wish money grew on trees and that we could have an endless supply of it. Enough said, right?
3. I think my 9 year got his first migraine headache. He cried about his head all day long, nothing helped and then he threw up.
4. I forgot to get my friend's dog one night. I was supposed to pick her up at 4 and didn't remember until she called at 9:00. I still feel bad. But I didn't forget the next day!!
5. My 4 year old scraped off a lot of the glitter on my newly finished craft project. Uggg...


Sam said...

Hahaha. I love you girl!

Jocelyn Christensen said...

Over all, sounds like you came out on top this week for sure! I'm sure your friend'll forgive ya! :)

Lesia said...

Way to go Carter. Poop Poop in the potty! Have a great trip. smile.

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