Monday, August 30, 2010

What the HAIL happened to our garden???

I woke up to the most amazing thunder and lightening storm ever! Actually I woke up to the sound of hail hitting our roof so hard I thought it would come through it. About an hour after the storm had passed (for the's pouring rain again as I type this) I looked outside and noticed that the hail had taken the leaves off of the trees. I immediately thought of our garden. I went out back and this is what I discovered. I hope they come back. I will be sad if my pumpkins don't make it.

It looks like millions of bugs came in the night and ate everything in sight. CRAZY!


Jocelyn Christensen said...

Bummer :(

Lesia said...

Isn't this funny? I don't even know what the plants look like when the are healthy. I thought they looked great...LOL Sorry though.

Sam said...

So sad!!

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