Holy moly the last 2 weeks have been crazy busy! I didn't have a chance to make my weekly list and right now I'm finally able to sit at the computer for a bit to create my weekly post! I hope you all had a great week!
Here are the top 5 for the week
1. I hosted a royal tea party last night. I'll post pictures later today. They are on my facebook page so if we are facebook friends go check them out. We had such a fun time.
2. My nephew's surgery went really well. They are back home now and I miss them already.
3. I signed up for 3 new buzz agent campaigns. It's been a while since I've done a campaign. I'm excited to buzz about these products I get to review.
4. On Thursday my Visiting Teachers came over for their visit. It was 1pm; I was still in a bathrobe and I had completely forgotten that they were coming. It had been a very hard couple days and I totally broke down! They brought us all dinner that night. It was the nicest thing; and it tasted so good too! I love my VT. And I know they love me in return. Thank you ladies so very, very much.
5. My Mom and Dad sent me a pot of succulents along with one of the nicest notes I've ever received. I love succulents and I love that they will last and last and I won't have to throw them away. I love flowers but they never last long.
6. Sorry...I've got to add this. I have decided to make some pretty great changes in my life. I will be stepping up to the plate and take care of ME. I've gotten lost as a wife and mother and have lost focus of ME. NO MORE. I'm done doing that. I started something amazing this week. I can't wait to see what the future holds for this girl.
Bottom 5 for the week
1. Casey is gone! WAAAAAHHHHHH! I loved that kid. I want to buy tickets to the AI concert just to see him. Can I ask a question? Why in the world is Jacob still around? And what's up with those girls? America...you are messed up!
2. The Cowboys are gone too! Oh my gravy I am going to miss them.
3. I have really realized how much I miss an old friend. It's been hard for me. I need her back in my life.
4. I realized I can't take my "Raising Suburban Chickens" class because it's clashes with another class I'm taking. But the good news is that we are still signed up for the "ghostbusters" class. I can't wait to visit some haunted places!
5. My baby is on yet ANOTHER medication for his tummy problems. I guess it's better than surgery again but still! Hirschsprung's Disease you suck! The meds are supposed to relax his bowles at night so he doesn't poop in his sleep; or something like that. I'm worried about him starting kindergarten. Maybe I will just hold him back a year. Uggg...this is stressful!
I hope you all have a fantastic week!
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