I'm combining my best/worst of the week to my confessional. I need to get some things off my chest!
Here are the top 5 things that happened this week.
1. Remember a few weeks ago when I told you I lost my flip video camera? I thought it had fallen out of my purse. Well I was wrong. Doesn't it figure that I found it today after my husband bought me another camera for my birthday? We went letter boxing today and it was in my letter boxing bag! I'm happy I found it. I'll retrieve the videos and then sell it. Anyone interested?
2. This weather is amazing. I got out yesterday and mowed, weeded and planted some grass seed. It only took me about 50 pulls to get the lawn mower started though. I started it in the garage because I didn't want to be embarrassed! It had been sitting there all winter long though!
3. My husband and I celebrated out 13th anniversary. He bought me flowers that only lasted about 36 hours. I called the flower company and they delivered a new bouquet! How nice is that?
4. I am so happy for my baby sister!
5. Jacob is FINALLY voted off of American Idol. But I'm sad because Casey is gone. I think I'm done with AI this season.
Bottom 5
1. I paid a duct company $75 to come to the house and find out if we had a clog. Our dryer hasn't been drying very well so I hired them. Note to self...check the outside vent BEFORE calling someone. During the winter the lint had built up just under the vent. It froze into a clump and that's what was causing the problem. That was a hard check to write.
2. I've been exhausted lately. I can take a 4-5 hour nap and then still sleep through the night. Hmmmm....
3. Have you ever had one of those weeks that were so overwhelming that you lost track of the days? I have been one day "behind" all week long. Yesterday I was supposed to go and get glitter toes but I thought that it was Wed and by the time I realized it was actually Thursday it was too late to go.
4. Poop...no further explanation needed, right?
5. I finally wore the flip flops I bought at The Walking Store and they KILL my feet. I HATE returning items to stores.
OK...now here are my confessions
I'd love to spill my guts but don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I will just say that I am human. I have my opinions and feelings and I will share them if asked.
I am not sad that Bin Laden is dead. And I will not apologize for feeling that way. He was not a good man and is not a martyr.
I am so grateful for a good friend who I feel I can open up to and she'll help me. I was talking to her about some stresses and she lent me a book to help. It meant a lot to me.
I love that my doctor upped my "crazy" pills!
I don't understand why parents don't immunize their kids. It's driving me crazy that there are new cases of measles and whooping cough reported it seems daily.
I love that I started a new chapter in my life. I think I'll start writing about it in my other blog (A Battle Worth Winning).
Ahhh...I feel better!
Hello Friends + Happy New Year!
7 years ago
Hey, I am interested in your Flip cam.. Is it still available...
How much are you selling it for?
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