I know, I know...it's Tuesday. I was at girls camp this weekend. We got back Saturday afternoon and since then I've been trying like a mad woman to catch up on sleep! I can't wait to post pictures. The hubs took 340! Don't worry...I won't post all of them...just 339 of them!
I LOVE girls camp! This was my first time going as a leader. What a blast! So without further ado here are the highs and lows from girls camp!
Top 5
1. On Friday night, while sitting around the campfire, things got REALLY silly! I haven't laughed that hard in a very, very long time. Those girls are hilarious! I felt young again. And I loved that I could be just as silly right along with them. My cheeks still hurt.
2. I loved helping the girls with their crafts! We made crowns, rings and bracelets!
3. The hubs and I didn't have to sleep in tents! The owners of the property were so nice and let the two of us sleep in the empty house! I guess it does pay to be a "hose head."
4. The food was great! We planned a yummy menu! I especially loved the dutch oven dinner we made on Friday night.
5. Marysvale, UT is teeny tiny! I mean TEENY TINY! I rode into "town" with the hubs one day and just HAD to stop at the craft "store." It was hilarious! I wish you could have seen what all was in this store. Surprisingly, some things were actually buyable (I know that's not really a word...). I also picked up a copy of "The Best of Marysvale Cookbook." This is even funnier! The typos are the best!
Bottom 5
1. The bugs were insane! There was a sighting of a snake too.
2. It was H-O-T hot!
3. My allergies went nutsies up there!
4. Horseback riding...I think my bum still hurts. I hated every single second of it! It was definitely not worth $29.
5. It wasn't long enough. Next time we have a ward girls camp I'll extend it by one day. I just wanted more time away from the "world" and more time laughing, feeling the spirit and getting to know the girls more!
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