After the devastating weekend I had this last weekend, I need some words of encouragement.
We all have times in our lives that family will turn their back on us, a co-worker back stabs you in the back, your child is making wrong choices, etc. What do you do in those situations?
Oh I love this! Check out!
I want a happy family! I want a family that loves me and listens to me. I have an amazing husband and children that do. I made myself a promise a long time ago that my kids will ALWAYS know without question that I love them. So far, so good!
Through this whole experience I've been so blessed with amazing friends who I know truly care about me, flaws and all.
I know that Christ loves me. I know he's proud of the work I'm doing with my family. Through the Savior I can see what I have. If my family chooses not to forgive me, it's their problem, not mine. It still hurts but I can't change them. So I'm choosing to let go. Come what may...
Tami, you are amazing! You are so right. If someone can't let go of a grudge, it is their loss and what a horrible loss not to have you and your sweet family in their lives! Keep moving forward. You are wonderful!
Tami, your life sounds a lot like mine used to be. I have learned to act naive. To act like it doesn't matter, like I am not hurt. It was very hard. It took several years, but not I am actually treated well and I do feel accepted and even loved. I have learned that I feel better when I behave how I know I should. When I don't let others influence my behavior. It is not easy. But, I promise that it works. Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. It will make all the difference in the world to your family. You will be teaching your children how we should be in spite of how others behave toward us. I can also tell you that I have a much better relationship with my own children because of all the things that my own family taught me NOT to do.
People can be awful, and I don't understand it. Good for you though, letting it go and moving on like the bigger person.
You're awesome, Tami. I'll adopt you. :) And, you can call me anytime. (((HUGS)))
It sounds like you are going through such a hard time right now, but even in this post you are finding the positive in it. Your positive nature is inspiring. I feel like if I was going through half of the stuff that you have gone through in the past couple months (years..) I would have given up. What do YOU do? YOU look at the situation and become closer to Heavenly Father. YOU are amazing. I think Heavenly Father is preparing you for amazing things. Your strength and dedication is above and beyond what I could ever have. Anyway, you just are the best. Please remain positive! Let me know if you need anything!
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