Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Simple Living...My NEW Project

I can even begin to tell you how stressed out I am about all the crap stuff we have in our house.  When we moved into our house that we live in now we downsized in house space but not in the things we own.  It's been almost 2 years since we've lived here and I just can't take it anymore.  So, starting this weekend, we are simplifying our lives in a MAJOR way.  I can't wait to show you the before and after pictures.  
Last Sunday I taught a lesson in Young Women about making our homes spiritual places to be.  Honestly, mine isn't a place where the Spirit can dwell here on a permanent basis.  We have so much stuff that doesn't have a "home" because we don't have room for it.  So it just ends up in piles everywhere.  I want my home to be a refuge from the world.  I want it to be the kind of a place where people walk in and can feel the love that we have for one another.  I want them to feel the Spirit of the Lord too.  It's so important to me.  
I know that this process will not happen in one weekend.  We will be making SEVERAL trips to the dump and to our local thrift store.  There are some things though that I will either sell or giveaway on my blog.  I've got some pretty cool scrapbooking items and cooking items that I haven't ever used.  I'd love to see them go to those I love and care for!  So stay tuned.  I really do have a lot to give away. 
Today I was watching a show on TV about Amish weddings.  I am fascinated by their lifestyle.  When I was 15 my parents took us on a Church History tour back east.  When we were in Ohio (I think) we stopped at an Amish bakery.  We also got to ride in a buggy.  I remember being so impressed with their lifestyle and wanting to live that way too.  I'd give anything to live a simple life.  And now I can and will! 
I know that I will never truly live an Amish lifestyle and that my kitchen will have the comforts of modern times but isn't this kitchen amazing?  If I could go back in time and live in another time period I'd go back to the early 1800's.


Audrey said...

Oh Oh Oh... pick me!!! pick me!!! I wanna come help sort and clean!!!

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