Happy Friday everyone! I hope you had a fantastic week!
Top 5 or more...
1. My daughter went to her first school dance. Usually she wouldn't be able to go to a dance until she's 14 but this was right after school and was part of spirit week. She had so much fun!
2. We had such a good time at the weenie roast on Monday. I love the Hubs' family. I love that the kids are big enough to go for walks by themselves. The weather was perfect! I love Milcreek Canyon! And here's a first...I had to change Carter's wafer and bag in the back of the van.
3. I was sick on Saturday. I slept until noon. The Hubs took care of everything so I could sleep. They had an eventful morning! He took them to the farmer's market, Costco, and the gas station. When I woke up I got lots of "visitors" aka stuffed animals. My bed was covered! I loved it.
4. I'm now a proud member of "the ugly card club." Getting that card in the mail from my friend Steve totally made my day! I've got mine all ready to send! FUN!
5. On Tuesday I had the amazing opportunity of hearing Jean Keaton speak. She is an amazing artist and I loved hearing the stories behind her drawings.
6. I talked to Carter's pediatric GI doctor. I wanted her opinion on when he can have his take down surgery. We agreed to wait until December after the Nutcracker performance. She was excited that Carter and Addison were dancing in it and asked it she could come and watch! She's amazing.
Bottom 5...
1. Carter dumped out my purse all over the van to look for his Lego guy. At least the crumbs are gone from the bottom of my purse!
2. Are my kids the only ones who dump their stuff anywhere they want? Yea, I didn't think so.
3. I never understood why my mom would threaten not to buy us Popsicles anymore. Oh I get it now! If I find one more stick, Gogurt wrapper or Capri Sun straw wrapper on the floor or table or anywhere else I'm going to lose it.
4. My office has become the "dumping ground" again. I hate this. I just don't have time to organize everything.
5. My 10 year old refuses to sleep in his room downstairs. We need a bunk bed so the boys can share a room. I hate the battle every night. Carter sleeps in a sleeping bag in the hall way. He LOVES it, I don't! I told him that he had to sleep in his bed and that Ian was going to sleep in his bed and he threw a fit. Fine! It's not worth the battle. Sleep on the hard floor if you want to! It's actually kind of funny. Maybe he thinks he's camping every night.
Hello Friends + Happy New Year!
7 years ago
I am SO glad you like the CD and the card! Welcome to the club... I can already tell that this club is going down in history as one of the best:) Mainly because you are in it. You are awesome!
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